— Abundance & Access —
My hope is that having these payment options will help relieve the fear of scarcity
and increase the feelings of abundance and healing in my work.
Quick Rundown
The top price is the actual cost of the service + already added discounts. I price my services so that the more sessions you buy up front, the less you pay. If you pay a price below the top tier you are receiving a further discount.
The middle price is for those who are able to meet their basic needs but have little-to-no expendable income. Paying for this service may qualify as a sacrifice but it would not create hardship.
The bottom price is for those who struggle to meet basic needs and paying for this service would still be a significant hardship.
The Pay-It-Forward price is either a few bucks above the actual cost of the service OR a donation and that extra money goes towards supporting future free and low-cost services. Essentially it's an opportunity to also support your fellow humans who fall in the middle or right bottle. Sweet!
If you want to know how much each fee is for each program/package please ask!
This is repeated in the details below, but I feel it is important enought to repeat:
I offer a limited amount slots for products, services, and courses at the middle and lower end of the scale. Please be mindful that if you purchase a price at the lowest end of the scale when you can truthfully afford the higher prices, you are limiting access to those who truly need the gift of financial flexibility.

First Bottle
As many slots as I can handle!

Second Bottle
10 slots per year

Third Bottle
10 slots per year

Pay It Forward
These donations are always available and always appreciated!
Flexible Payment Plans
Chop up your payments anyway you'd like! You can even start paying before our first session.
The full balance must be paid 3 months after our last session and I need to have a credit card on file.
30 Minute Sessions
I also offer versions of all of my programs with 30 minute sessions, which means everything is half price!
If you are stable and have the resources, you can support financial accessibility for those folks lower down on the scale.
How much you pay forward is up to you. Thank you so much for your time, effort, and service.
The Green Bottle Details:
The sliding scale is a tool that allows for a product or service to be obtained at multiple price points based on the circumstances of the purchaser. Typically, the scale will be set in a chart and some form of income verification is provided by the purchaser to an authority figure who determines where on the scale the purchaser falls. This method allows folks who would most likely be priced out of something to have the chance to take part in it. It also seeks to address the systemic inequalities of class in our culture.
The sliding scale represents the idea that financial resources, including income, are not and should not be the only determining factor in whether or not someone can access services/care/etc. Service providers and institutions usually offer sliding scale because there is a commitment to serving individuals and/or communities that would otherwise not be able to afford the services. Often, these organizations actively seek external funding to establish financial stability and fill in the economic gaps that sliding scale does not provide for. For a small business like Inner Evolution Coaching, I do not receive any outside funding to supplement sliding scale discounts, so I must take into account what I am able to offer and still be able to support my family.
For a sliding scale to work it relies on the principles of truthfulness, respect for complexity, and accountability. I do not ask for income verification. I trust my clients to be honest. Community thrives when accountability is a central value, because that is where trust grows and depth work can be done. Teachers, healers, and coaches deserve to get paid and clients deserve classes which recognize the multiple realities of economic access and privilege that exist.
Recently, someone shared with me the idea of sacrifice versus hardship when examining access. If paying for a class, product, or service would be difficult, but not detrimental, it qualifies as a sacrifice. You might have to cut back on other spending in your life (such as going out to dinner, buying coffee, or a new outfit), but this will not have a long term harmful impact on your life. It is a sacred sacrifice in order to pursue something you are called to do. If, however, paying for a class, product, or service would lead to a harmful impact on your life, such as not being able to put food on the table, pay rent, or pay for your transportation to get to work, then you are dealing with hardship. Folks coming from a space of hardship typically qualify for the lower end of the sliding scale. I find the idea of sacrifice versus hardship to be a very useful nuance when talking about class and access because it recognizes and respects that paying for something might still be a challenge even if it is just a short-term one, while giving appropriate space for those who are dealing with financial hardship.
Here is a general guidelines about how I currently price my sliding scale and to help you determine where you fall on it.
- The highest dollar cost reflects the true cost of the class or service. It is the cost that the practitioner would charge all students in the absence of a sliding scale. If you have access to financial security, own property or have personal savings, you would not traditionally qualify for sliding scale services. If you are able to pay for "wants" and spend little time worried about securing necessities in your life, you have economic privilege and power in our community. This price is for you.
- The middle cost (when there is one) reflects the practitioner's acknowledgement that paying the full cost would prevent some folks from being able to attend, but who do not honestly find themselves reflected in either descriptions for the highest cost or the lowest. If you are struggling to conquer debt or build savings or move away from paycheck to paycheck living but have access to steady income and are not spending most of your time thinking about meeting basic needs such as food, shelter, medical care, child care, etc., you belong here. If you, however, can ask others for financial support, such as family members, partners, or friends, please consider using those personal resources before you use the resources of the sliding scale and limit opportunities for others.
- The bottom cost represents an honest acknowledgment by the teacher and practitioner that there are folks whose economic circumstances would prevent them from being a part of classes if there was not be a deliberate opportunity made for them to access services at a cost that is reflective of their economic realities. If you struggle to maintain access to needs such as health care, housing, food, child care, and are living paycheck to paycheck or are in significant debt, you belong probably belong here and you deserve a community that honors your price as equal an economic offering as the person who can pay the highest tier. Even when the lower tier is still prohibitive, I will work with folks to offer extended payment plans and other solutions.
Typically, there is a limited amount slots for products, services, and courses offered at the middle and lower end of the scale. Please be mindful that if you purchase a price at the lowest end of the scale when you can truthfully afford the higher ticket prices, you are limiting access to those who truly need the gift of financial flexibility. Being honest with yourself and your financial situation when engaging with sliding scale practices grows strong and sustainable communities. It also respects the work of teachers and creators, like myself, you have families to support and rent to pay. Additionally, when I am paid fairly, I am able to invest more time and resources to free and lower cost offerings.
All text adapted from Worts + Cunning Apothecary.